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In our pursuit of health and well-being, over-the-counter (OTC) medications have become a staple in many households, offering quick and convenient relief for a wide range of minor ailments. From the common cold to occasional sleeplessness, these medications seem like a straightforward solution.

However, this ease of access and perceived safety often masks a less-discussed issue: the potential for misuse and abuse of these substances. While OTC medications are generally safe when used as directed, their widespread availability has led to increasing instances of misuse.

This issue is particularly concerning because it often flies under the radar—over-the-counter drug abuse doesn’t always garner the same attention as illicit drugs or prescription substance abuse, yet the risks and consequences can be just as severe. The misuse of these substances varies from excessively large doses beyond recommendation to using them for purposes other than their intended medical application.

This can lead to a range of adverse health effects, from mild discomfort to severe, life-threatening conditions. The demographic affected by this issue is broad, encompassing all ages and backgrounds, making it a widespread public health concern. Understanding which OTC drugs are most commonly abused is crucial in preventing and addressing this growing concern.

1. Cough Medicines (Dextromethorphan)

Cough and cold medications, particularly those containing dextromethorphan (DXM), are a common target for OTC drug abuse, especially among teenagers seeking a cheap and accessible high. When taken in large quantities, these cough suppressants can produce psychoactive effects like euphoria, hallucinations, and dissociative states.

However, it’s important to understand the risks involved. High doses of DXM can lead to dangerous side effects such as rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and in some cases, severe liver damage.

When cough medicines are combined with other substances like alcohol or prescription drugs, the risks increase exponentially, leading to potentially life-threatening situations. DXM abuse can also impair cognitive functions, leading to poor judgment and risky behaviors.

2. Pain Relievers (Acetaminophen and NSAIDs)

Pain relievers like acetaminophen and NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, are widely used for their effectiveness in managing pain and inflammation.

Acetaminophen, while safe in recommended doses, can cause severe liver damage when consumed in large amounts or over an extended period. The risk is higher for individuals who consume alcohol regularly.

NSAIDs, on the other hand, can lead to gastrointestinal problems like ulcers and bleeding, especially when used frequently or in higher-than-recommended doses. They can also increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, particularly in those with existing heart conditions or prolonged use.

Overuse of these pain relievers is often driven by chronic pain issues, leading individuals to self-medicate without proper guidance, unaware of the potential health risks. It’s crucial to follow dosage instructions and consult healthcare professionals for chronic pain management.

3. Cold and Allergy Medicines (Pseudoephedrine)

Cold and allergy medicines, particularly those containing pseudoephedrine, are often misused for their stimulant properties. Pseudoephedrine can elevate mood and increase alertness, making it a target for abuse.

However, it’s important to understand the risks involved. Excessive intake of pseudoephedrine can lead to serious cardiovascular issues, including increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can be particularly dangerous for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions. Abuse can also result in severe agitation, anxiety, and insomnia.

Furthermore, pseudoephedrine is a key ingredient in the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine, which has led to stricter regulations on its sale. Despite these regulations, misuse continues, often involving the purchase of large quantities from multiple outlets.

4. Laxatives and Weight Loss Products

Laxatives and OTC weight loss products are commonly misused by individuals seeking quick solutions for weight loss. The abuse of laxatives can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, which can cause cardiac arrhythmias and kidney dysfunction. Chronic misuse can also lead to dependency, where the bowel becomes reliant on laxatives to function, leading to long-term digestive issues.

Similarly, OTC weight loss products often contain stimulants that can increase heart rate and blood pressure and may lead to severe heart issues in susceptible individuals. Misuse of these products is often driven by body image issues and the desire for short-term results, overlooking the significant health risks involved.

5. Motion Sickness Pills (Dimenhydrinate)

Motion sickness medications containing dimenhydrinate are frequently misused for their sedative and hallucinogenic effects. Abusers often seek the euphoric ‘high’ and hallucinations that high doses can induce.

Abuse of dimenhydrinate can lead to dangerous side effects like severe dizziness, irregular heart rate, seizures, and in extreme cases, coma. Long-term misuse can result in permanent memory impairment, heart problems, and even brain damage. It’s also important to note that combining these pills with alcohol or other drugs can exponentially increase these risks.

6. Sleep Aids (Diphenhydramine and Doxylamine)

OTC sleep aids containing ingredients like diphenhydramine and doxylamine are often misused for their strong sedative effects. While they are effective for occasional sleeplessness, regular misuse can lead to a dependency, where users become unable to sleep without them.

Over time, this can cause chronic drowsiness, memory impairment, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, the sedative effects can impair motor skills, increasing the risk of accidents. Elderly individuals are particularly at risk, as they are more susceptible to the cognitive and motor impairments caused by these drugs.

7. Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements, such as kratom and various ‘legal highs,’ are increasingly misused due to perceptions of being ‘natural’ and safe. Kratom, for example, is often used for its opioid-like effects and can lead to dependency and withdrawal symptoms similar to those of opioid drugs.

The lack of regulation and standardization in herbal supplements also means that the potency and purity of these products can vary greatly, increasing the risk of overdose and other adverse reactions. Furthermore, because these substances are not well-researched, the long-term effects on health are largely unknown, potentially leading to unforeseen health issues.

Close-up hands holding medication and water glass

Get Help for OTC Drug Addiction at Lumina Recovery

Recognizing and understanding the most commonly abused OTC substances is a crucial step in promoting safe usage and preventing abuse. While these medications offer relief and convenience, it is important to use them responsibly and be aware of their potential for misuse.

Lumina Recovery provides drug addiction treatment programs for a variety of substances as well as detoxification programs.

Contact us today to learn more about the resources we offer for addiction.

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