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Depression Treatment Center in Los Angeles, CA

At Lumina Recovery, we recognize the profound impact that addiction and depression can have on an individual’s life.


Depression disorder and addiction can overshadow your sense of joy, relationships, and overall well-being. However, there’s a path to recovery—with specialized depression treatment for addiction at Lumina Recovery.

With our team of empathetic and seasoned professionals, innovative therapies, and a nurturing environment, we are committed to helping you rediscover the brighter, healthier future you deserve through our dual diagnosis depression treatment for addiction in Los Angeles.

As you step forward on this path, we are with you at every turn, offering understanding, expert care, and a commitment to your long-term recovery.

What Is Depression?

A depression disorder involves more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It’s a serious mental health condition characterized by overwhelming feelings of despair, sadness, and little interest or pleasure in activities.

Unlike typical mood fluctuations, depression disorders affect daily functioning and can lead to various emotional and physical problems. It can impair your ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and enjoy life. Just trying to get through the day can be overwhelming.

At Lumina Recovery, we understand the complexities of depression disorders. At our Southern California locations, including Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Sherman Oaks, Sun Valley, and Los Angeles, our depression and addiction programs are tailored to address not only the symptoms but also the root causes of co-occurring addiction and depression, empowering you for a life of balance and serenity.

young adult woman stressed with hands on head

The Different Types of Depression Disorders

Depression manifests in several forms, each with its own set of symptoms and challenges. Our dual diagnosis depression treatment centers in Los Angeles specialize in various types of depression disorders, including:

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness or a lack of interest in external stimuli, MDD can significantly disrupt an individual’s daily life.

Persistent Depressive Disorder: Also known as dysthymia, this is a chronic form of depression where the mood is regularly low, but symptoms might not be as severe as major depression.

Bipolar Disorder: This disorder involves periods of depression alternating with episodes of mania. Each phase can last for days or weeks at a time.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons and typically occurs at the same time each year, usually in winter.

Postpartum Depression: A complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that occur in some women after giving birth.

Psychotic Depression: This type of depression occurs when a person has severe depression and psychosis, like disturbing beliefs or delusions, or hearing or seeing upsetting things that others cannot hear or see (hallucinations).

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): A severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), PMDD is characterized by significant mood swings, irritability, and depression symptoms that occur before the menstrual period and dissipate after menstruation begins.

Situational Depression: Also known as adjustment disorder with depressed mood, this type of depression is triggered by a significant life change or stressful event, such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, or job loss.

Our Los Angeles dual diagnosis treatment will guide you through your depression and addiction recovery.

The Symptoms of Depression

The signs of depression disorders can vary widely, but generally include:

Emotional Symptoms: Continuous experiences of deep sadness, a pervasive sense of hopelessness, diminished interest or enjoyment in usual activities, persistent feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and frequent thoughts about death or suicide.

Physical Symptoms: Alterations in appetite or weight, disruptions in sleep patterns, a reduction in energy levels, persistent tiredness, and unexplained physical discomfort or pain.

Behavioral Changes: Withdrawal from social activities, reduced performance at work or school, and reduced engagement in previously enjoyed activities.

The Connection Between Depression and Addiction

Depression and substance abuse often coexist in a complex relationship that can hinder recovery. Our approach at Lumina Recovery includes:

Understanding Self-Medication: Individuals with depression may use alcohol or drugs to alleviate their symptoms, leading to addiction.

Addressing Dual Disorders: Substance abuse can intensify depressive symptoms, creating a cycle where each condition exacerbates the other.

Exploring Shared Causes: Genetics, environmental factors, and past trauma often contribute to both depression and addiction.

The Causes of Depression and Addiction

Understanding the root causes of depression and addiction is crucial for effective treatment. At our Los Angeles rehabs, we delve into these multifaceted causes to provide personalized and impactful care.

Brain Chemistry Imbalances: Neurotransmitters, the brain’s chemical messengers, play a crucial role in mood regulation and reward mechanisms. Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are often associated with depression and addictive behaviors.

Brain Chemistry Imbalances: Neurotransmitters, the brain’s chemical messengers, play a crucial role in mood regulation and reward mechanisms. Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are often associated with depression and addictive behaviors.

Psychological Factors: Factors such as chronic stress, low self-esteem, anxiety, and the presence of other mental health disorders can increase the risk of developing depression and addiction. These psychological factors often interact with environmental and genetic factors, creating a complex web that predisposes an individual to these conditions.

Social and Cultural Influences: The social environment, including relationships with family and peers, cultural norms, and societal expectations, can also play a significant role. Isolation, poor social support, and exposure to substance use or depressive behaviors in one’s social circle can contribute to the development of these conditions.

Physical Health Conditions: Chronic physical health problems, such as chronic pain or a debilitating illness, can lead to or exacerbate depression. This, in turn, may lead to self-medicating with substances, creating a pathway to addiction.

view from swimming pool at addiction rehab
outdoor patio and fire pit at rehab in california
los angeles addiction recovery center
outdoor pool at addiction center
inside of luxury addiction recovery center in la california
home kitchen in addiction recovery center
view from swimming pool at addiction rehab

Therapeutic Approaches for Depression and Addiction

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A cornerstone of our treatment approach, CBT helps clients identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors, providing tools for long-term mental health management.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT focuses on building skills in distress tolerance, emotional regulation, mindfulness, and interpersonal effectiveness. These skills are crucial for coping with depression and managing addictive behaviors.

Group Therapy: Group therapy offers a supportive environment where clients can share experiences and learn from others facing similar struggles. It provides a sense of community and helps in developing social skills disrupted by depression and addiction.

Family Therapy: Recognizing that depression and addiction can affect entire families, our family therapy sessions aim to heal relationships and build a supportive network essential for recovery.

Individual Therapy: Tailored one-on-one sessions with our skilled therapists allow clients to explore personal issues in depth. This is crucial for addressing the unique aspects of an individual’s depression and addiction.

EMDR Therapy: Particularly effective in treating trauma-related depression and addiction, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy helps process and integrate traumatic experiences, reducing their ongoing impact.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT combines medication, which can be crucial in stabilizing mood and reducing cravings, with counseling and behavioral therapies, offering a comprehensive approach to substance use disorders.

Hypnotherapy: This innovative approach can uncover underlying issues contributing to depression and addiction, facilitating changes in negative patterns and promoting positive behavior.

In addition to these therapies, we place a strong emphasis on mindfulness and stress reduction techniques, recognizing their importance in managing the triggers of depression and addiction.

Our approach also includes holistic and recreational activities like yoga, art therapy, and outdoor recreation, which are instrumental in reducing stress and improving mood. We also provide guidance on nutritional meal plans and physical exercise, understanding their crucial role in promoting overall health and supporting recovery.

These elements are seamlessly integrated into our treatment plans, ensuring a well-rounded approach to your journey towards health and wellness at our depression and addiction treatment centers in Los Angeles.

Why Choose Lumina Recovery for Depression and Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Choosing Lumina Recovery for depression and addiction treatment means opting for a journey of compassionate care, professional expertise, and a holistic approach to healing. Here’s why Lumina Recovery stands out as a premier choice for your depression treatment for addiction in Los Angeles:

Tailored Treatment Plans

We believe in crafting treatment plans that are as unique as each individual. By understanding your personal journey with depression and addiction, we create a tailored approach that addresses your specific needs and recovery goals.

Experienced and Empathetic Professionals

Our team, consisting of skilled therapists, healthcare professionals, and support staff, is deeply committed to your well-being. They bring a wealth of experience with mental health disorders and empathy to ensure you receive the highest quality care.

Supportive and Nurturing Environment

Our facilities provide a safe, welcoming, and nurturing space conducive to healing and personal growth. We strive to create an environment where you can focus on your recovery without external stressors.

Long-Term Recovery Focus

Our commitment extends beyond immediate treatment. We offer continued support and resources to help you maintain your recovery and well-being in the long run, understanding that recovery is an ongoing journey.

Community and Family Involvement

Recognizing the importance of support networks, we encourage community and family involvement in the recovery process, helping to rebuild and strengthen these essential relationships.

Get the Help You Need for Depression and Addiction Today

Remember, reaching out is a brave and empowering first step. Your path to recovery and lasting wellness can start now. Let Lumina Recovery be a part of your transformative journey.

Start Your Recovery Today

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