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jobs with the highest substance abuse issues

Professions With the Highest Substance Abuse Rates

When it comes to substance abuse, some professions report higher rates than others. Various factors, including job-related stress, accessibility to substances, and the nature of the work itself can influence jobs with the highest substance abuse issues. Understanding which professions are more vulnerable can help in creating targeted support and intervention strategies.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) published results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) in 2015. It reported substance use disorder by industry, providing valuable insights on the general population of professions with the highest rate of substance abuse from 2008 to 2012.1

Impact of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Substance use has a profound negative impact on industries across the United States, manifesting in several costly ways. The repercussions are far-reaching, affecting not only individual employees but also the overall productivity and financial health of companies.

Annually, U.S. businesses lose billions of dollars due to issues related to employees’ alcohol and drug use. The losses stem from various factors:

Lost productivity. Substance use can significantly diminish an employee’s ability to perform their duties efficiently, leading to reduced output and quality of work.

Workplace accidents and injuries. Impairment due to substance use increases the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace, which not only endangers the affected employee but can also pose risks to their coworkers.

Employee absenteeism. Increased absenteeism is common among employees dealing with substance abuse as they may miss work due to the effects of their substance use or related health issues.

Low morale. Substance abuse can affect the morale of the entire team, not just the individual struggling with substance use. The behavior of one affected individual can impact the dynamics and overall mood of the workplace.

Increased illness. Health problems associated with drug and alcohol use can lead to increased medical claims and higher healthcare costs for employers.

Highest Rates of Heavy Alcohol Use by Industry

Substance abuse manifests distinctly across various industries, with heavy alcohol use being a significant concern. The data highlights industries that report the highest rates of heavy drinking within the past month among their workforce and underscores the need for industry-specific strategies to address and reduce alcohol consumption.

  1. Mining – 17.5%
  2. Construction – 16.5%
  3. Accommodations and food services – 11.8%
  4. Arts, entertainment, and recreation – 11.5%
  5. Utilities – 10.3%

Highest Rates of Illicit Drug Use by Industry

Illicit drug use within the workforce poses critical challenges for employers, impacting safety, productivity, and the overall workplace environment. Industries with the highest rates of past month illicit drug use point to sectors where targeted interventions and policies are crucial to combat this issue effectively.

  1. Accommodations and food services – 19.1%
  2. Arts, entertainment, and recreation – 13.7%
  3. Construction – 12.1%
  4. Management – 12.1%
  5. Information – 11.7%

Highest Rates of Substance Use Disorder by Industry

Substance use disorder (SUD) involves recurrent use of alcohol or drugs that causes clinically significant impairment. The high rates of substance use disorder by industry show a profound impact on both individual and organizational levels.

  1. Accommodations and food services – 16.9%
  2. Construction – 14.3%
  3. Arts, entertainment, and recreation – 12.9%
  4. Mining – 11.8%
  5. Utilities – 11.5%
  6. Management – 11.4%

Potential Factors for High Substance Abuse Rates

executive addiction treatment

Stressful working conditions, often characterized by high-stress demands and low control, can lead to substance use as employees seek relief from constant pressure. Long hours and irregular shifts can disrupt normal sleep patterns and social lives, increasing reliance on substances as a coping mechanism for stress and fatigue.

Poor management and job dissatisfaction can further exacerbate these issues, as employees may feel undervalued or unsupported. In some sectors, such as hospitality or entertainment, alcohol and drugs are more readily available and may be integrated into the social fabric of the workplace, presenting frequent opportunities for misuse. Repetitive work and boredom can lead to substance use as a form of escapism.

Dual Diagnosis Care: Treating the Whole Person

Dual diagnosis care is a holistic and integrated treatment approach designed to address the complex needs of individuals who experience both substance use disorders and mental health issues, such as stress, anxiety or depression, simultaneously.

This well-rounded method is crucial because it acknowledges that both conditions can deeply influence each other and need to be treated concurrently to enhance the effectiveness of recovery and reduce the risk of relapse.

The Importance of Integrated Treatment

Traditional treatment methods that address only one issue at a time are less effective for individuals with dual diagnosis. Integrated treatment plans are tailored to treat both mental health and substance use disorders together.

Therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or other psychotherapies help manage mental health symptoms and develop coping mechanisms for dealing with both disorders.

Medication management can help stabilize mood or treat mental health symptoms while managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with substance use.

Support groups can help one engage with others who face similar challenges and provide social support and insights into successful strategies for managing dual diagnosis.

Incorporating holistic therapies and strategies such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga can improve overall mental health and well-being.

Treating the Root Causes

To effectively treat dual diagnosis, it is essential to get to the root of the problem. This means understanding the underlying causes of both mental health issues and substance use disorder.

Treatment must go beyond mere symptom management and strive to resolve the core psychological and emotional issues contributing to the disorders. A thorough assessment by trained professionals helps in identifying these underlying factors, which might include trauma, stress, or genetic predispositions.

Find the Right Support With Lumina Recovery

Substance abuse affects those in lots of different professions, but we can see higher rates in certain industries which may in part be due to their specific work environments and job demands. By addressing the root causes of stress and providing supportive and healthy ways to cope, it is possible to reduce these rates.

Lumina Recovery provides treatment options for many groups of people dealing with substance abuse issues, including dual diagnosis care and specialized executive addiction treatment. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

If you need support in managing substance abuse, don’t hesitate to contact us today.


Opioid addiction

How Long Does OxyContin Stay in Your System?

OxyContin, a powerful prescription medication to manage pain, falls under the class of drugs known as opioids and contains the active ingredient oxycodone.

Understanding the effects of OxyContin on the body, its half-life, and the factors that influence its length of time in the system is essential for those fighting and their loved ones.

The Timing and Effects of OxyContin

Oxycodone is a potent opioid medication used to manage moderate to severe pain. Given its strength and potential for addiction, it’s important to know how quickly it acts, how long it stays in the system, and its half-life.

How long does it take for OxyContin to work?

The onset of oxycodone’s effects depends on several factors but largely on the formulation of the medication. For immediate-release oxycodone formulations, such as OxyContin, the active ingredient oxycodone begins to relieve pain within 10 to 30 minutes of oral ingestion.1

This rapid onset makes it a preferred option for acute pain management, post-operative pain, or breakthrough pain that occurs despite round-the-clock opioid therapy.

How long does OxyContin last?

The duration of pain relief provided by oxycodone varies based on its formulation.

Immediate-release formulations offer pain relief for about three to six hours. These are usually prescribed for pain that is expected to last for a short period or for pain that comes and goes.1

Extended-release formulations are designed to provide pain relief for up to 12 hours. This type of oxycodone is used for ongoing, chronic pain, providing a steady level of medication in the body over an extended period.1

Patients are advised to follow their prescription guidelines closely to avoid the risk of overdose or increased dependency due to the potent nature of oxycodone.

What is the half-life of OxyContin?

The half-life of oxycodone is approximately three to five hours in healthy adults, which means it takes about that time—three to five hours—for the concentration of the drug in the blood to reduce by half.

The drug’s half-life can vary based on several factors, including liver function, age, and overall health. The half-life of a drug is a critical factor in determining how frequently a dose should be taken and plays a key role in decisions regarding pain management protocols.1

Detection Timelines for OxyContin

Oxycodone’s detectability depends on the type of test being used:

  • Urine Tests: Oxycodone can be detected in urine from about one to three days after the last dose. This window can vary depending on the individual’s metabolism and the frequency of use.3
  • Blood Tests: Oxycodone appears in the blood shortly after ingestion and can generally be detected for up to 24 hours post-administration.2
  • Saliva Tests: These tests can detect oxycodone within minutes of use and up to 36 hours after last use.3
  • Hair Follicle Tests: Although not as commonly used for routine screening due to their higher cost and longer result times, oxycodone can be detected in hair for up to 90 days after the last dose, providing a much longer window of detectability.3

Hand doctor holding urine and blood tube test for analysis for doping or drugs.

7 Factors Influencing the Duration of OxyContin in the System

Several physiological and lifestyle factors can affect how long oxycodone stays in an individual’s system:2

  1. Metabolic Rate: Individuals with a higher metabolic rate tend to process and eliminate substances like oxycodone faster than those with a slower metabolism.
  2. Age: Older adults generally have a slower metabolism, which means oxycodone may stay in their system longer compared to younger individuals.
  3. Body Mass and Composition: Body fat percentage and overall body mass can influence how drugs are metabolized and excreted. Oxycodone, being slightly lipophilic, might linger longer in individuals with higher body fat.
  4. Liver and Kidney Health: The liver metabolizes oxycodone, and the kidneys are responsible for excreting it. Any liver or kidney impairments can delay this process, thereby prolonging the presence of oxycodone in the body.
  5. Dosage and Frequency of Use: Higher doses and more frequent usage can increase the amount of time oxycodone is detectable in the system. Chronic use can lead to accumulation in the body, resulting in longer detection times.
  6. Hydration and Diet: Hydration levels can affect the concentration of oxycodone in urine, while certain foods and supplements might interact with drug metabolism.
  7. Concurrent Medications: Some medications can induce or inhibit the enzymes that metabolize oxycodone, thus affecting how quickly it is cleared from the body.

Seeking Help for OxyContin Abuse

If you or someone you care about is struggling with OxyContin use, it’s crucial to recognize when it’s time to seek help. Signs of abuse might include using more of the drug than prescribed, a preoccupation with obtaining and using the drug, or continuing use despite negative consequences in personal health, relationships, and responsibilities. Acknowledging these signs is the first step toward recovery.

Various resources are available for those facing challenges with OxyContin. Prescription drug treatment programs can range from medical detoxification and inpatient rehab programs to outpatient therapy and support groups. The right approach depends on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. Consulting a healthcare provider can start the process of recovery. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and the first step towards reclaiming control of your life.

Take the Step Toward Healing From OxyContin With Lumina Recovery

Understanding how OxyContin affects the body and how long it stays in the system is fundamental for those prescribed this medication and for those who may be struggling with its use. While the medication is effective for pain management, its potential for dependence requires careful consideration and management.

Lumina Recovery’s opioid addiction treatment program provides every step of support from detoxification to residential inpatient programs to telehealth services.

If opioid addiction is impacting your life and feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate and reach out to Lumina Recovery today to start your journey back to health.


Professional's Guide to Addiction Recovery

A Legal Professional’s Guide to Addiction Recovery

Addiction impacts individuals from all walks of life in any profession, including those in high-pressure careers such as law. Legal professionals, from attorneys to judges, are particularly susceptible to the stress and demands of their jobs, which can sometimes lead to substance use disorders.

This guide is tailored to help individuals within the legal profession understand the nuances of addiction in their field, recognize the need for assistance, including executive addiction treatment, and take the initial steps toward recovery.

Addiction in Legal Professionals

A study by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation in collaboration with the American Bar Association sheds light on the sobering realities of addiction within the legal community. This research published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine involved a detailed survey of 12,825 lawyers across the United States. The findings revealed significant levels of substance abuse and mental health concerns among legal professionals:1

  • Approximately 36.4% of the participants who responded to the initial set of questions on alcohol use demonstrated signs of alcohol abuse or dependency.
  • When considering those who completed all alcohol-related questions, about 22.6% acknowledged problematic substance abuse.
  • Some of the most common mental health issues reported by legal professionals in the survey were anxiety (61.1%), depression (45.7%), and bipolar disorder (2.4%).

Factors Contributing to High Rates of Addiction

High pressure and stress. Legal professionals often work in environments where high stress is the norm. Long hours, client demands, tight deadlines, and the high stakes of many legal outcomes can create a pressure cooker atmosphere. This intense stress can lead to substance use as a form of coping mechanism to ‘take the edge off’ or manage stress and anxiety.

Culture of alcohol consumption. The legal profession is also known for its robust drinking culture. Networking events, dinners with clients, and even casual meetings often occur in settings where alcohol is readily available. This normalization of alcohol can make it difficult for individuals to recognize the line between social drinking and problematic behavior.

Reluctance to seek help. There’s a significant stigma associated with admitting to substance abuse problems in a profession that prides itself on rationality and control. Many legal professionals fear that seeking help could jeopardize their careers, leading to a reluctance to address addiction issues until they become severe.

Impact of Addiction on Professional Life

The effects of substance abuse in the legal profession can be devastating, not only personally but professionally. Impaired judgment, decreased productivity, ethical breaches, and even legal ramifications like disbarment can result from unchecked addiction. The personal toll is equally harsh, with relationships, physical health, and mental well-being all suffering.

The Importance of Seeking Help

It is vital for anyone struggling with addiction, including legal professionals, to seek help. Addiction is a progressive illness that can lead to serious health complications, strained relationships, and a decline in job performance. The sooner one acknowledges the problem and seeks intervention, the better the chances of recovery and maintaining a successful career.

Addiction treatment for executives caters specifically to professionals, including legal practitioners, who are available and provide discreet, comprehensive support tailored to their unique needs. These programs address both the psychological and occupational challenges faced by legal professionals and offer strategies for managing stress in healthy ways.

4 Steps Toward Recovery for Legal Professionals

Recovering from addiction is a multifaceted process, especially within the legal profession where the stakes are high and the pressures are immense. Taking the right steps toward recovery can help you put yourself or your loved one on the road to specialized addiction treatment for a professional.

1. Acknowledging the Problem

The first and often hardest step is admitting there is a problem. For legal professionals, this means recognizing how their substance use has not only impacted their health but also their ability to perform their duties effectively.

Tip: Journaling can be a helpful tool. Writing down instances where substance use has affected your professional and personal life can make the issues clearer and strengthen your resolve to seek help.

2. Seeking Professional Help

Finding the right treatment program is crucial. For legal professionals, the ideal program is one that understands the specific challenges and triggers associated with the legal profession. Addiction treatment for professionals often offers a blend of medical detoxification, individual counseling, group therapy, and legal-specific support groups.

Resources to consider:

  • Specialized Treatment Facilities: Some facilities offer specialized programs for executives and professionals, including lawyers, where confidentiality and discretion are a top priority.
  • Therapists and Psychiatrists: Professionals who specialize in addiction and understand the unique pressures of the legal field.
  • Lawyer Assistance Programs: Most state bar associations have a lawyer assistance program that provides confidential support to legal professionals dealing with addiction.

Seeking professional help

3. Support Networks

Building a robust support network is essential. This network should include peers who understand the pressures of the legal profession, as well as family and friends who can offer emotional support.

Networks Include:

  • Professional Groups: Organizations like Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL) provide a community of peers who share similar experiences and challenges.
  • Support Groups: Joining groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can provide ongoing support and accountability.
  • Family and Friends: Educating your closest circle about your challenges and recovery process can ensure they provide the right kind of support.

4. Ongoing Management

Recovery does not end with treatment—it is a lifelong process of managing one’s well-being. For legal professionals, ongoing management often includes stress reduction techniques, regular check-ins with mental health professionals, and sometimes, career adjustments to reduce stress.

Consider these strategies:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like meditation and mindfulness can help manage stress and reduce the likelihood of relapse.
  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity is a proven stress reliever and mood booster.
  • Time Management: Implementing effective time management strategies can help prevent work overload, a common trigger for substance use.
  • Professional Boundaries: Setting clear professional boundaries can help manage work-related stress and prevent burnout.

Take the First Step Towards Sobriety With Lumina Recovery

Addiction within the legal profession is a significant issue that demands attention and action. By understanding the unique challenges faced by legal professionals and emphasizing the importance of seeking help, we can mitigate the impacts of addiction in the legal field.

Lumina Recovery’s specialized program for executives is ready to provide support and confidentiality at any point of the recovery journey from initial detox and dual diagnosis to sober living. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and it is the first step toward a healthier, more sustainable career in law.

Take the first step towards a healthier future today. Reach out for support and begin your journey to recovery.


Drug Abuse Among Older Adults

Understanding Drug Abuse Among Older Adults

As the population ages, the complexities of managing health conditions increase, often leading to the use of multiple medications. While prescription medications are necessary for treating various ailments, there’s a growing concern about the abuse of these drugs among older adults.

However, it’s not just prescription medications that pose a risk; alcohol and even some over-the-counter medications also frequently contribute to substance abuse issues in this demographic.

Understanding the scope and impact of these commonly abused substances is crucial for developing effective prevention and management strategies. This understanding helps ensure that older people can enjoy a higher quality of life, free from the constraints of substance abuse.

Commonly Abused Drugs

As older adults age, they often experience a range of health issues that necessitate the use of multiple medications and can lead to substance use disorders. Understanding the most commonly abused drugs in this demographic from the National Institute on Drug Abuse is essential for prevention and management.1


What drug is most commonly abused by older adults? Alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism shows that 20% of the age group 60-64 years and 10% of 65 years and older report binge drinking.2

Alcohol and prescription drugs are commonly used together, which can significantly increase the risk of adverse interactions. Alcohol can exacerbate the effects of medications, increasing sedation and confusion, and complicate the management of chronic conditions.

Prescription Opioids

Opioids are one of the most commonly prescribed medications by healthcare providers for pain management in millions of adults aged 65 years and older, particularly for chronic conditions such as arthritis, cancer pain, and neuropathic pain.1

Drugs like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl offer effective pain relief but also pose a high risk of misuse of prescription drugs and overdose. Due to their age-related slower metabolism and organ function, older patients may experience prolonged drug effects and side effects, increasing the risk of dependency.


The legalization and increasing social acceptance of marijuana have led to its rising use among older adults for both medicinal and recreational purposes. While marijuana can provide benefits such as pain relief and reduction in anxiety, it also carries risks, particularly when used in conjunction with other medications.1

For older individuals, the psychoactive effects of THC, the primary active compound in marijuana, can exacerbate cognitive impairments and lead to confusion, disorientation, and memory lapses. Additionally, marijuana in any form from dabs to edibles can interact with prescription medications like blood thinners, antidepressants, and anxiety medications.


Benzodiazepines are frequently prescribed to treat anxiety, insomnia, and even muscle spasms in older patients. Medications like lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), and alprazolam (Xanax) are effective for short-term relief but are associated with a high risk of substance use disorders.1

Prolonged use can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects, and can severely impact cognitive function, increasing the risk of falls and accidents.


While generally less addictive, antidepressants for mental health can still be misused by older adults, particularly when they are taken without proper medical supervision or in conjunction with other medications.

SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) can interact with other drugs, leading to increased side effects or diminished effectiveness of treatment programs.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications

Older adults might also misuse over-the-counter medications, including sleep aids and cold medicines. Products containing antihistamines or cough suppressants can be problematic due to their sedative properties, which can be intensified in older bodies.2

The Risk of Polypharmacy

Polypharmacy refers to the concurrent use of multiple medications by a patient, typically to manage several health conditions simultaneously. This practice is particularly prevalent among aging baby boomers, who often have multiple chronic diseases requiring various treatments. While necessary for managing these conditions, polypharmacy significantly increases the complexity of care, heightening the risk of drug interactions and adverse effects.

The use of numerous medications can lead to a higher likelihood of adverse drug reactions. Each additional medication not only adds a potential for interactions that can diminish the effectiveness of treatments but also increases the risk of severe side effects. These interactions can cause unexpected health issues such as increased blood pressure, kidney damage, or gastrointestinal distress.

The integration of recreational drugs like alcohol and marijuana into an older adult’s regimen compounds the risks associated with polypharmacy. These substances can interact with prescription medications, potentially leading to enhanced sedative effects, altered drug metabolism, and increased cognitive impairment. Such interactions are particularly dangerous for the elderly, whose organ function may already be compromised.

Prescription Medications

Population-Specific Effects

The effects of drug abuse can be more pronounced in older adults due to several age-related physiological changes:

  • Metabolism and Excretion
    As the body ages, liver and kidney functions slow down, affecting how medications are metabolized and excreted. This can lead to drugs staying in the body longer, increasing the risk of side effects and complications.1
  • Increased Sensitivity
    Older adults often exhibit increased sensitivity to medications due to decreased body water, increased fat storage, and changes in the central nervous system. These changes can amplify the effects of drugs, making therapeutic doses potentially harmful.
  • Cognitive and Physical Health
    The impact of drug abuse can exacerbate existing health problems. Cognitive impairments can worsen, leading to poor decision-making and difficulties with daily living activities. Physically, the risk of falls and other injuries increases, potentially leading to a cycle of increased medication use to manage pain from such injuries.

Supporting Older Individuals Abusing Drugs

Supporting elderly individuals struggling with drug abuse requires a comprehensive and compassionate approach tailored to their unique needs. Recognizing signs of substance abuse in older adults, such as changes in behavior, isolation, or neglect of personal hygiene, is critical for early intervention.

Medical evaluation and health care are essential to determine the extent of the abuse and any underlying health issues. Treatment options include medically supervised detoxification, inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation, and therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Regular medical reviews, patient and caregiver education, and the use of support groups and community resources are also crucial to effectively support recovery and improve the quality of life for elderly individuals facing substance abuse issues.

Explore Options for Elderly Drug Abuse With Lumina Recovery

Addressing drug abuse among older adults demands a nuanced understanding of the unique challenges and risks they face. By fostering a compassionate and informed approach, we can significantly mitigate the impacts of drug abuse in older adults and promote healthier, safer aging for all.

Lumina Recovery’s specialized program for seniors and older adults provides optimal support for the older population dealing with an addiction to prescription drugs or alcohol.

Learn more about your options with specialized programs that effectively address prescription drug abuse in older adults. Ensure a healthier, safer aging process with informed, compassionate care.


Alcohol abuse

Alcohol Abuse Within the LGBTQ+ Community

Alcohol abuse is a pervasive issue that cuts across all demographics, yet it poses unique challenges within the LGBTQ+ community.

This group faces a significantly higher risk of alcohol dependency compared to the general population, exacerbated by complex socio-cultural factors and systemic barriers. Understanding these distinct challenges is vital for those in the LGBTQ community dealing with alcohol addiction and their loved ones to provide targeted support and interventions.

Below, we’ll examine the prevalence of alcohol abuse among LGBTQ+ individuals, explore the underlying factors contributing to this issue, discuss the barriers to effective treatment, and highlight the importance of comprehensive care.

Prevalence of LGBTQ+ Alcohol Abuse

Rates of alcohol abuse are notably higher in the LGBTQ+ community. A 2020 survey showed a concerning trend in alcohol use among “sexual minority” adults, with around 21.8% reporting an alcohol use disorder in the past year—nearly double the rate seen in the heterosexual population.1

Gay and bisexual men as well as lesbian and transgender individuals are more likely to continue heavy drinking into later life and less likely to abstain from alcohol altogether.2

Moreover, when examining specific subgroups within the LGBTQ+ community, the statistics reveal even more pronounced disparities. Particularly at risk are bisexual individuals, who report higher rates of alcohol consumption compared to their lesbian, gay, and heterosexual counterparts.3

While further study is needed, these statistics highlight the importance of understanding the nuanced dynamics that contribute to these high rates of alcohol dependency.

Factors Contributing to LGBTQ+ Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse among LGBTQ+ individuals is not simply a matter of individual choice or biological predisposition—it is deeply rooted in a complex web of societal, cultural, and personal factors. These elements collectively create an environment where substance use can appear as a coping mechanism or a temporary escape from reality.

Understanding these contributing factors is essential for addressing the root causes of alcohol dependency in this community. Here are some key factors:

1. Stigma and Discrimination

Persistent stigmatization and systemic discrimination can lead to chronic stress and mental health challenges, pushing some toward alcohol as a coping mechanism.

2. Minority Stress

Unique pressures experienced by those in marginalized groups, such as internalized homophobia, expectation of rejection, and the daily stress of managing a stigmatized identity, significantly correlate with higher alcohol consumption.

3. Social and Cultural Pressures

Many LGBTQ+ social settings revolve around bars and clubs, establishments that historically provided safe havens. These settings can inadvertently promote higher levels of drinking as part of socializing.

4. Isolation and Rejection

Experiences of rejection from family and friends and the consequent isolation can increase vulnerability to alcohol abuse. For many, alcohol becomes a way to mitigate feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

5. Handling Dual Identities

For LGBTQ+ individuals who also belong to other marginalized groups (racial, ethnic, religious minorities), the stress of handling multiple intersecting identities can complicate personal and social acceptance, increasing reliance on alcohol.

6. Inadequate Support Systems

Lack of supportive counseling and community services that are attuned to the specific needs of LGBTQ+ individuals can leave many without healthy coping mechanisms, making alcohol an accessible relief.

Co-occurring disorders

Common Co-Occurring Disorders in the LGBTQ+ Community

The high rates of alcohol abuse within the LGBTQ+ community are often intertwined with various co-occurring disorders. These mental health challenges can both contribute to and exacerbate substance use, creating a complex cycle that is difficult to break.

Here are some co-occurring disorders that may be observed at higher rates among LGBTQ+ individuals struggling with alcohol dependency:

  • Mental Health Disorders: Depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues are significantly more prevalent among LGBTQ+ individuals compared to the general population. These conditions can drive alcohol use as a form of self-medication to temporarily alleviate mental distress.4
  • Substance Use Disorders: Beyond alcohol, there is a higher propensity for the use of other substances, such as tobacco, cannabis, and amphetamines, among LGBTQ+ people. This poly-substance use can complicate treatment and recovery processes.3
  • Trauma and PTSD: Many LGBTQ+ individuals have experienced traumatic events, including physical and emotional abuse, hate crimes, and severe discrimination. The incidence of PTSD in this community is high, and alcohol often becomes a coping mechanism to manage trauma-related symptoms.5
  • Eating Disorders: Eating disorders, which often co-occur with alcohol abuse, are more commonly observed among sexual and gender minorities. Both conditions are frequently utilized as methods to exert control and manage underlying issues of body image and self-esteem.6

Embrace Healing and Hope at Lumina Recovery

At Lumina Recovery, we understand that the journey to overcome alcohol addiction is deeply personal and often complex, especially within the LGBTQ+ community. We are committed to offering welcoming, inclusive alcohol addiction treatment programs where all individuals can find the support they need to heal and thrive.

Recognizing the critical intersection between alcohol abuse and mental health, our dual diagnosis program is designed to address co-occurring disorders, providing comprehensive treatment that considers all aspects of an individual’s well-being.

Our approach is holistic and tailored to each person’s unique circumstances. At Lumina Recovery, you will find a team of compassionate professionals dedicated to supporting you every step of the way, from initial assessment through to aftercare planning.

We invite you to contact us to learn more about how our addiction treatment programs can help you or your loved ones start the path to recovery in a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental setting.

Together, we can work towards a healthier, sober future where you feel empowered to live your best life.


Deal with addict parents

Having the Conversation: Talking to a Parent About Addiction

Talking to a parent about their substance use disorder is a courageous step. It’s a conversation filled with emotional complexity and requires sensitivity, patience, and understanding. Lumina Recovery has crafted a guide for adult children on how to deal with addict parents and how to approach this delicate topic.

Supporting the Struggling Parent

When an adult child steps in to help a parent struggling with addiction, it often involves a significant role reversal where the children of addicted parents do the parenting. This role reversal can be emotionally complex and challenging as you navigate the shift from being cared for to providing care. Here’s how to handle this delicate transition with grace and effectiveness.

Accept Your Role

Recognize that your role is to support your parent and not to control them. You are there to assist your parent in acknowledging their drug abuse and encouraging them to seek help. It is important to maintain respect for their autonomy and avoid patronizing or infantilizing them. This balance helps preserve their dignity and your relationship long-term.

Maintain Respect and Compassion

Even though you are taking on a caretaker role, remember that your parent is an adult with their own life experiences. Approach them with the respect and compassion they deserve. This involves listening to their feelings, acknowledging their struggles, and affirming their worth beyond their addiction.

Provide Informed Support

As you take on this role, equip yourself with knowledge. Understanding the specifics of addiction and recovery options allows you to offer informed support. This might include researching treatment programs, understanding potential withdrawal symptoms, and knowing what recovery resources are available.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is one of many organizations that have resources for families and their loved ones.

Encourage Professional Help

Encouraging a parent addicted to drugs to see a professional can sometimes be met with resistance. Frame this suggestion positively, emphasizing how seeking help is a sign of strength and a step towards regaining control over their life. Offer to help make appointments or accompany them if they feel apprehensive.

Communicate Clearly and Gently

Clear communication is crucial. Discuss your concerns without making accusations or using confrontational language. Focus on how their behavior affects you and why you believe seeking help is crucial. For instance, you might say, “I’m worried about your health and how it’s affecting us. I think it could be helpful to talk to someone who understands and can provide the right support.”

Set and Enforce Boundaries

Establishing boundaries is essential for your well-being and effectiveness in this new role. Clearly articulate what behaviors you can accept and what you cannot tolerate. Enforcing these boundaries can be difficult but is necessary to maintain a healthy dynamic and to protect your own mental and emotional health.

Offer Ongoing Support

Show that your involvement isn’t just about managing the addiction, but about genuinely caring for their well-being. Regularly check in on them, spend quality time together, and show appreciation for their efforts. Your ongoing support can be a crucial factor in their willingness to continue treatment and recovery.

Drug addicted parent

Seeking Support Beyond the Home

Seeking external help is often a critical step in effectively managing a drug-addicted parent. By involving professionals and outside resources, you can enhance the support system for your parent and alleviate some of the burden on yourself. Here’s how to navigate finding and utilizing outside help.

Explore treatment options. Start by researching the different types of addiction treatment options available for drugs or alcohol. These can range from detox programs and inpatient rehabilitation centers to outpatient therapy and support groups. Understand the benefits of each type of treatment and consider what might be the best fit for your parent’s needs and circumstances.

Consult addiction professionals. This includes addiction counselors, therapists, or medical professionals who specialize in addiction treatment. These experts can provide valuable insights into your parent’s condition and recommend appropriate treatment paths. They can also help you understand what to expect during the recovery process and how best to support your parent.

Utilize support groups. Support groups offer a community of individuals who understand what it’s like to have a loved one battling addiction. These groups provide both emotional support and practical advice on handling the challenges you and your parents face. Encouraging your parent to join a peer support group like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can also be beneficial, as it connects them with others who are in similar situations.

Engage in family therapy. Addiction affects not just the addicted person but the entire family. Engaging in family therapy can help address these dynamics. It provides a safe space for all family members to express their feelings, improve communication, and learn strategies to support each other. Family therapy can also help heal relationships damaged by the behaviors associated with addiction.

Utilize telehealth services. If access to in-person treatment is limited, consider telehealth services. Many therapists and support groups offer virtual sessions, which can provide flexible and accessible support for your parent. This can be particularly useful in maintaining continuity of care and support, especially if physical or logistical barriers exist.

Regular follow-up. Once your parent has started receiving external help, regular follow-up is crucial. Stay involved in their treatment process as much as possible and appropriate. Regular check-ins can ensure that your parent remains committed to recovery and that any adjustments to their treatment plan are made promptly.

Seek Support for Your Parent With Lumina Recovery

​​Talking to a parent about their addiction is challenging but showing your concern is a powerful act of love. It can be the nudge they need to start their journey toward recovery. By approaching the conversation with preparedness, empathy, and clear communication, you can make a positive impact in their life.

Lumina Recovery provides family therapy and specialized programs for seniors and older adults to help you and your family overcome the hurdle of addiction.

Reach out for professional help today and take a crucial step towards healing and recovery for your family.

Approaching grandparent about their addiction

7 Steps for Approaching a Grandparent About Their Addiction

Talking to a loved one about their addiction is always a sensitive topic, especially when that loved one is a grandparent. This guide provides a compassionate and practical approach to help you navigate this difficult conversation. It’s important to proceed with love, respect, and understanding, keeping in mind the unique position that grandparents often hold in families.

1. Recognize the Situation

Before you talk to your grandparent about their addiction, it’s vital to gain a comprehensive understanding of addiction itself. Addiction is often misunderstood as a lack of willpower or moral failing, but it’s important to recognize it as a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that involves compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences.

Begin by researching the specific substances involved, such as alcohol, prescription drugs, or others, and learn about the common signs and effects of these addictions. Look into how addiction affects older adults differently through physiological changes with age that can alter the effects of drugs and alcohol. Consider any underlying reasons that may have contributed to your grandparent’s addiction, such as loneliness, past traumas, or health issues.

2. Plan the Conversation

The planning stage is crucial in setting the right tone for the conversation or intervention. Choose a setting that is private and free from distractions, where your grandparent feels safe and comfortable. This might be their home or another familiar environment where they feel at ease. Select a moment when your grandparent is sober and there is enough time to have an in-depth discussion without the pressure of immediate commitments.

Prepare mentally and emotionally, being clear on what you aim to achieve from the conversation. Your alcoholic grandparent may be in denial, feel ashamed, or become defensive. Anticipating these responses can help you remain calm and composed, ready to steer the conversation gently back to the points you need to address.

3. Communicate With Empathy and Respect

When it’s time to speak, start the conversation with a tone of love, concern, and respect. Addressing the issue directly can be daunting, so it’s crucial to frame your words in a way that shows you’re coming from a place of support, not judgment. Begin by expressing your overall concern for their well-being. You might start with, “Grandpa, I’ve noticed some things that concern me about your health, and because I love you, I feel it’s important we talk about this.”

Express your feelings and observations using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory. You could say “I feel worried when I see you drinking because it seems like it’s having a bad effect on your health,” instead of “You’re always drinking, and it’s a problem.” Listen to their side of the story with an open mind and heart. This conversation is as much about understanding their feelings and thoughts as it is about expressing your own.

4. Listen Actively

Enhancing communication is an essential skill in any difficult conversation, particularly when discussing sensitive issues like addiction. It involves more than just hearing the words your grandparent says—it requires full engagement and understanding. Show that you are listening by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and occasionally summarizing what they’ve said to ensure clarity and show that you are truly paying attention.

Encourage your addicted grandparent to express their thoughts and feelings about the situation. Ask open-ended questions that promote discussion rather than simple yes or no answers. For example, you might ask, “How do you feel about the things we’re discussing?” or “What can I do to support you right now?” This can help uncover deeper insights into their struggles and feelings.

Specialized programs for seniors

5. Offer Support

After discussing the issues, it’s crucial to transition to how you can support your drug-addicted grandparent’s journey toward recovery. Clarify that your intention is not just to point out the problem but to be a part of the solution. Discuss various treatment options, such as medical interventions, therapy, support groups, or specialized programs for seniors. Offer to help with practical steps such as making appointments, arranging transportation, or researching facilities.

Let them know you’re there for emotional support as well. Say something like, “I’m here for you, not just for today but for the whole journey. Let’s figure this out together.” Ensure they understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness and that you will respect their privacy and decisions throughout the process.

6. Set Boundaries If Necessary

Setting boundaries for alcoholic grandparents is often necessary to protect both yourself and other family members from the potentially harmful effects of their addiction. It’s important to communicate these boundaries clearly and compassionately.

Explain why these boundaries are important to you, and what the consequences will be if they are not respected. Always tie these boundaries back to the values of safety and well-being: “I want our home to be a safe place for everyone, so it’s important that there are no substances around the children.”

7. Follow Up

The initial conversation is just the beginning. Addiction recovery is a long process, and ongoing support will be crucial. Schedule regular check-ins to talk about progress and challenges. Sometimes a simple phone call or casual visit can provide an opportunity to reconnect and reinforce your support.

Celebrate small victories together if your grandparent takes positive steps toward recovery. This positive reinforcement can boost their morale and motivation. If setbacks occur, remind them that recovery is often non-linear and that persistence is key. Be prepared to continue supporting them by adapting to new situations, whether it means seeking different treatments, attending support group meetings with them, or just being there to listen.

Discover Addiction Treatment for Grandparents With Lumina Recovery

Approaching a grandparent about their addiction is a delicate matter that requires sensitivity, patience, and courage. By planning the conversation, communicating with empathy, listening actively, and offering your support, you can help your grandparent recognize the need for help and possibly take the first step towards recovery.

Lumina Recovery’s specialized program for seniors and older adults is here to help this community with addictions ranging from alcohol to prescription drugs and more. Remember, the journey is often long, and your support is vital at every step.

If your grandparent is ready to take the first step towards recovery, reach out for professional support and take action today.

Three men are drinking whiskey and talking

Understanding Addiction Among High-Level Professionals

Addiction does not discriminate, reaching into every corner of society, including the seemingly polished offices of high-level professionals. It’s a common misconception that addiction is primarily a problem of the lower socioeconomic spectrum.

High-level professionals are not only susceptible to addiction but may be at a heightened risk due to their environments and job pressures. According to analysis by NORC at the University of Chicago of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 11% of those in executive, administrative, managerial, and financial occupations had a substance use disorder in the last year, and 9.8% of those in professional occupations such as doctors, architects, and engineers.1

Addiction can have a significant effect on those in high-level positions, as well as their loved ones. Learning about the cultural impact of high-stakes jobs can contribute to fighting the development of addiction and finding the right executive addiction treatment.

The Unique Pressures of High-Stakes Roles

Professionals in top executive roles such as CEOs, CFOs, and other C-suite positions often operate under a microscope of expectations. The pressure to consistently deliver results can be overwhelming, making the workplace a high-stress environment.

The stress can be compounded by the visibility of their roles. Every decision they make can have significant consequences, not just for themselves but for their entire organizations and their stakeholders. This immense pressure to not fail can sometimes lead the most disciplined individuals to seek relief.

Substances like alcohol, prescription drugs, or even illegal drugs can become seductive for their immediate relief from chronic stress, anxiety, or insomnia. Over time, what might start as a controlled habit can spiral into dependency or addiction, as tolerance levels build and the substance becomes a necessary crutch to perform daily functions.

Cultural Factors and Expectations

The corporate culture surrounding high-level professionals often subtly encourages substance use, directly or indirectly. In many sectors, especially in high finance, technology, or legal fields, there’s an unspoken rule that alcohol and, at times, drug use are part of the landscape.

This can be particularly pronounced in environments where closing deals or networking is synonymous with socializing over drinks. For new entrants into these fields, there might be an implicit expectation to partake in these rituals to fit in or get ahead.

The persona of the ‘ideal executive’ is often depicted in media and corporate environments where one is always in control, relentlessly energetic, and infallibly composed. This can further exacerbate the problem because such unrealistic expectations can make it difficult for those struggling to step forward and seek help.

Getting Help for High-Level Professionals Struggling with Addiction

High-level professionals facing addiction often encounter unique barriers to seeking help, including concerns about confidentiality, the potential impact on their careers, and the stigma associated with substance use disorders.

However, there are specialized resources, strategies, and rehabs for executives designed to help them overcome addiction while maintaining their professional status and privacy.

Tailored Treatment Programs

For executives and other high-ranking professionals, generic treatment programs may not adequately address their specific needs or concerns. Instead, specialized executive treatment programs are available that cater specifically to high-level professionals.

Executive drug rehabs and executive alcohol rehabs understand the unique pressures of corporate environments, offering a blend of medical treatment, counseling, and lifestyle management that respects the patient’s busy schedule and need for discretion. Addiction treatment for CEOs often includes:

  • Individual therapy sessions with a therapist who has experience dealing with professional stressors and addiction.
  • Group therapy gives individuals the opportunity to share with those who have gone through similar life experiences and challenges.
  • Confidentiality and privacy must be a priority for any executive rehab center, ensuring that participants can seek treatment without fear of exposure.

man sitting at bar counter holding whiskey glass

Support Within the Workplace

Organizations can play a crucial role in supporting their leaders by creating an environment that encourages seeking help and promotes recovery. This can be achieved through:

  • Employee assistance programs (EAPs) provide confidential assessments, counseling, and referrals for treatment. EAPs are an essential resource for employees at all levels, including executives, offering support without having to disclose their issues to colleagues.
  • Wellness programs focused on overall well-being can help mitigate the stressors that contribute to substance use. This might include access to gyms, wellness apps, meditation classes, and more.
  • Policies on substance use provide guidelines and support mechanisms for those who are struggling. These policies should also emphasize non-punitive approaches and the importance of early intervention.

Professional Networks and Peer Support

Networking with other professionals who have faced similar challenges can be incredibly beneficial. Organizations such as Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers or similar groups for medical professionals provide peer support and resources tailored to specific professional groups. These professional networks can offer advice, support, and a roadmap to recovery, all within a framework that understands the high stakes of professional careers.

Continuous Professional Support and Monitoring

For many, ongoing support for post-addiction treatment for executives is crucial to maintaining sobriety and managing stress. This might include continuing care groups, regular check-ins with a therapist, and monitoring programs that provide accountability while supporting the individual’s return to full professional life.

Find Top-Tier Support for High-Level Professionals With Lumina Recovery

Addiction among high-level professionals is a significant issue, influenced by the unique pressures and cultures of their roles.

Lumina Recovery provides a safe and supportive environment for executive rehab. The specialized program for executives addresses different addiction types and provides a range of evidence-based therapy practices.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, consider reaching out to specialized professionals who can provide the necessary support tailored to the complex needs of high-ranking professionals.


alcohol use in college students

Alcohol Abuse in College Students: Drinking Culture & Risks

Why do college students drink so much? College life often brings the first tastes of freedom and adulthood exploration for many young people. This new phase is frequently marked by the influence of alcohol at social gatherings, sports events, and private parties.

However, the prevalence of alcohol can lead to significant issues, including alcohol abuse, which can impact both academic performance and health.

The Drinking Culture

The culture of alcohol use in college students is a complex web of traditions, peer influences, and media portrayals that together create an environment where alcohol use is often seen as a norm. This culture is not only perpetuated by students themselves but also by broader societal expectations and sometimes even tacit approval by college authorities who see drinking as a harmless rite of passage.

Peer Influence

The desire to fit in and be accepted by peers is a powerful motivator for college students. When older students or influential figures within student communities regularly engage in binge drinking, they set a precedent for incoming students. The pressure to participate in drinking events can make abstaining difficult, pushing even reluctant students towards alcohol.

Media and Cultural Depictions

Films, TV shows, and social media often portray college life as inherently tied to wild parties and frequent drinking. These depictions can set unrealistic expectations that drinking is a central part of the college experience, glorifying excess and diminishing the perceived risks associated with alcohol abuse.

Traditions and Social Events

Many college social events, including sporting events, fraternity and sorority parties, and orientation week activities, often prominently feature alcohol. These traditions help cement alcohol as a staple of socializing and celebrating milestones in college.

The Reality of Binge Drinking

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that elevates the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent, or 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter, or higher. This pattern corresponds to consuming 5 or more drinks for men or 4 or more drinks for women in about 2 hours.1

College students have higher binge drinking rates than any other group. According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 49% of full-time college students reported drinking alcohol and 28.9% engaged in binge drinking in the past month.2

Binge drinking is often most visible during large social events like fraternity parties, homecoming weekends, and tailgates. However, it also occurs in smaller, more casual settings, underscoring its normalization within student life.

The immediate consequences of binge drinking can include blackouts, alcohol poisoning, and accidents. The social repercussions can also be significant, including public embarrassment, regrettable sexual encounters, or aggressive behaviors that can lead to legal troubles.

Alcoholism in college students dramatically increases the risk of developing alcohol dependence. It can also lead to chronic health issues such as liver disease, cardiovascular problems, and neurological damage.

Consequences of Alcohol Abuse on Campuses

The effects of alcohol consumption in college extend far beyond individual students, impacting families, peers, and the broader college community.

Death: Statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reveal a grim reality that approximately 1,519 college students aged 18 to 24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor vehicle accidents, yearly.3

Assault: An estimated 696,000 students aged 18 to 24 are annually assaulted by another student who has been drinking, according to the latest figures from the NIAAA.3

Sexual Assault: While difficult to estimate due to underreporting, alcohol-related sexual assaults remain a significant concern. Research indicates that 1 in 5 college women experience sexual assault during their college years, with a majority of these incidents involving alcohol or other substances.3

Academic Problems: Alcohol consumption can also take a toll on academic success. About 25% of college students report that their academic performance has suffered due to their drinking habits. This includes missing classes or falling behind on schoolwork. Students who engage in binge drinking at least three times per week are significantly more likely to perform poorly on assignments and miss classes compared to their peers who consume alcohol but do not binge.3

Driving Under the Influence: DUI incidents among college students can lead to severe injuries, fatalities, and legal repercussions that can affect a student’s future permanently.

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): The 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) indicated that around 15% of full-time college students ages 18 to 22 meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder in the past year.3

alcohol use disorder

Getting Help for Alcohol Abuse in College

Recognizing the need for help with alcohol abuse is a crucial first step for college students or their concerned loved ones.

1. Utilize Campus Resources

Most colleges offer counseling and health services that include support for substance abuse. These services are often confidential and can be a good starting point for seeking help.

2. Peer Support Groups

Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or campus-specific recovery groups provide a community of individuals facing similar challenges. These groups offer peer support and are instrumental in the recovery process.

3. Professional Counseling

Licensed therapists and counselors can provide strategies to manage drinking habits and underlying issues. Counseling services can be found through campus health centers or local mental health clinics.

4. Educational Programs

Many colleges provide educational programs about alcohol misuse, which can be a preventive measure and a source of support for those already struggling.

5. Family Involvement

Engaging family members in the recovery process can provide additional support and motivation. Families can work with college health services to find the best ways to support their student.

Address the Impact of College Drinking With Lumina Recovery

Navigating the drinking culture in college requires awareness, understanding, and supportive resources. Recognizing the signs of alcohol abuse and knowing when to seek help can save educational careers and lives.

Lumina Recovery has a specialized program for college students and alcohol addiction treatment services to address the specific needs of this group. For students struggling with alcohol, reaching out for help is a sign of strength and the first step towards recovery.

If you’re struggling with alcohol use or know someone who is, don’t wait to seek help. Contact our support services today and start your journey towards recovery.


Lumina Recovery

Additional Resources

Once you have completed your rehabilitation program at one of our drug and alcohol treatment centers, you should try to surround yourself with people who can encourage you to stay sober. Many people find that support groups are the best source of encouragement. You can find hundreds of support groups and meetings in your community. Our drug addiction treatment centers stress the importance of personal chemical dependency resources, especially when you are new to sobriety. Below are various addiction and mental health resources for people in recovery who want additional support.

Christian Addiction Recovery Resources

Our substance abuse services aren’t limited to specific programs, but rather we believe in the importance of incorporating faith-based programs to promote spiritual healing, like our Faith in Recovery program.

With that said, below are some faith-based addiction recovery resources that could help you in your spiritual healing from addiction:


Mental Health Resources for Recovery

Lumina Recovery consist of both mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities, meaning we offer mental health resources as well as chemical dependency resources. What’s more, addiction often co-occurs with mental illness, making these resources ever more important.

Below are some resources for mental health recovery that can help you or your loved one:


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