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5 Dangerous Side Effects of Smoking Dabs

man exhaling vapor from an electronic cigarette

The landscape of marijuana use has transformed significantly in recent times, giving rise to more potent forms of consumption, one of which is known as “dabs.” Dabs, or marijuana concentrates, have gained popularity for their potent effects.

They also carry significant risks that users and their loved ones should be aware of. We intend to share knowledge regarding what dabs are and the dangerous side effects associated with smoking them.

Whether you are someone dealing with marijuana addiction or a concerned loved one, understanding these risks is the first step towards making informed decisions about dab use.

What Are Dabs?

Dabs refer to the highly concentrated form of the marijuana plant that is made by removing THC (the compound in marijuana that causes the high) and other cannabinoids from the flower using a solvent like butane or carbon dioxide.

The result is a sticky oil sometimes referred to as wax, shatter, budder, or butane hash oil (BHO). Dabs are known for their high potency, often containing 52-95% THC, compared to 16-21% found in the traditional cannabis plant.1

This high cannabis concentration means that the effects of dabs can be much more intense and immediate, including a strong euphoria, altered perception, and increased appetite. However, the potency also means that the risk of overconsumption and the negative side effects of smoking marijuana are higher, especially for those new to cannabis or with a low tolerance.

Dangerous Side Effects

As the trend of dabbing continues to grow, it’s crucial to understand the significant risks this potent form of marijuana poses to users. Smoking dabs can lead to a range of dangerous side effects, from physical health issues to profound impacts on mental well-being and cognitive function.

The highly concentrated THC in dabs means that the stakes are higher. What might seem like a more intense high can quickly spiral into dependency, mental health crises, and cognitive impairments that affect every aspect of a user’s life.

1. Increased Risk of Addiction

The allure of dabs lies in their high THC content, providing an intense high that can’t be achieved with regular marijuana. However, this intensity comes with a price being an increased risk of addiction.

The brain quickly adapts to high levels of THC, leading to tolerance. This means that users will need increasingly high doses of dabs to achieve the same high, a classic pathway to dependency.

The cycle of chasing the high can escalate and lead to substance abuse, making it difficult for individuals to quit, even when they recognize the negative impacts on their lives. Addiction to dabs can strain relationships, lead to financial difficulties, and make it hard to maintain employment or succeed academically.

2. Severe Impairment of Cognitive Functions

THC affects the brain’s functioning in significant ways, and when consumed in the high concentrations found in dabs, these effects are magnified. Users may experience short-term memory loss, making it difficult to remember recent events or learn new information.

Concentration can become a challenge, affecting the ability to focus on tasks or follow conversations. The impairment of cognitive functions doesn’t just fade away with the high. Over time, regular use of dabs can lead to long-term deficits in cognitive abilities.

This can have a profound impact on a person’s ability to function in daily life, affecting everything from academic performance to the ability to make sound decisions.

3. Mental Health Risks

The relationship between high-potency cannabis products like dabs and mental health is particularly concerning. The intense concentrations of THC can trigger anxiety, panic attacks, and paranoia in the short term.

For individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions or susceptibility to such conditions, the use of dabs can exacerbate symptoms or precipitate the onset of more severe disorders such as psychosis, schizophrenia, or severe depression.

The risk is not just immediate; long-term use can alter brain chemistry in ways that make it difficult to recover even after stopping use. Recognizing and addressing these mental health risks is critical, especially for young adults and teenagers whose brains are still developing.

4. Respiratory Problems

Contrary to the belief that vaporizing or dabbing is a safer alternative to smoking traditional marijuana, the practice poses significant risks to lung health. The process of smoking dabs involves inhaling vaporized substances at extremely high temperatures, which can lead to severe lung damage.

Users may experience immediate symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Over time, this can escalate to chronic bronchitis, lung irritation, and an increased risk of developing respiratory infections.

The high heat can also produce harmful chemicals from the concentrate or the material used to create the vapor, further exacerbating the potential for lung damage. These respiratory issues underscore the hidden dangers of dabbing, which may not be immediately apparent to users seeking a potent high.

5. Risk of Injury

Afro girl smoking e-cigarette and coughing

The consumption of dabs carries a unique risk of injury to the user, primarily due to the potent effects of the high THC concentration. Unlike traditional forms of cannabis, the intense high produced by dabs can significantly impair a user’s motor skills, reaction time, and judgment.

This impairment increases the risk of accidents and injuries, as users may not be able to respond appropriately to their environment or may take risks they typically wouldn’t when sober.

The method of consumption itself also presents risks. Using a dab rig involves heating the oil to very high temperatures, often with a handheld torch. This process can lead to burns or other injuries if not handled with care.

The potential for harm is heightened by the impaired judgment and coordination resulting from the high THC levels, making it easier for accidents to occur during the setup and use of dabbing equipment.

Get Support for Marijuana Dependency With Lumina Recovery

While the need for a stronger high may draw individuals to dabs, the risks associated with this form of marijuana concentrate cannot be overlooked. Understanding the dangers of smoking dabs is vital in making informed decisions about your health and well-being.

If you or someone you love is struggling with dab use, seeking professional help can be a crucial step towards recovery. At Lumina Recovery, we offer a range of treatment programs to help those dealing with addiction.

Call us today to learn more about our programs.



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